Chapter 3

Perks and recreation

Company-wide Perks

Most, but not all perks, are available across all offices. Let’s with start what we all enjoy:


Love to learn, learn to love


Always being at the forefront is very important to us at Trickle. That’s why we have our presidential motto: “What’s next?”. For the sake of our clients and ourselves, we need to educate ourselves continuously. To nurture the passion for new learnings all team members are granted access Udemy, a tool with countless online courses. If you want to attend other courses, that’s encouraged! Just speak to your manager, and we’ll make sure we do everything we can to put you on the journey towards earning that sweet new knowledge.


Who you gonna call?


Company phone, company phone plan. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.


Travel the world, why don’t ya?


Work from anywhere. Yeah, that’s right. As long as it works with your day to day schedule, we don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to take some time exploring the world. If you want to utilize this, please consult with your closest manager and hopefully we’ll work out a way to make it happen.


KUDOS bonus system


To incentivize going the extra mile, we’ve implemented something called the kudos system. Kudos is when an employee get a little something-something – a dinner for two, a massage, you name it (up to a value of 1 000 SEK) – for going above and beyond. What above and beyond is exactly is an X factor type of deal, but it could be anything from introducing a new report system to delivering an awesome lecture to coming up with a genius solution to cut corners in meetings to… Well, the list goes on.


The beauty of kudos lies in its peer-to-peer system. You’re nominated for kudos by your colleagues. If you believe a fellow Trickler deserves some, please email with your nomination. Make sure to include the who’s, the when’s and the why’s. It’s a damn fine system if we do say so ourselves.

Now– what’s specific to my office?